Understanding the Difference Between Anal Fissure and Fistula
Anal fissures and fistulas are two common painful conditions that affect the anal area. It is also mistaken for haemorrhoids. Both conditions cause discomfort, itching, and bleeding, which can cause much difficulty in your routine life. However, the causes and treatments for each are different. Our team of experts and Dr Ram, the Best Laser Proctologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon guidance, will help you understand these distinctions between fissures and Fistula Treatment in Ahmedabad. Knowing the basics about the Difference Between Anal Fissure and Fistula will help you make informed decisions about your health.
It is a fact that you should not only consider the internet as your advisor, but it is a must to go to a doctor who can give an accurate diagnosis. A brief understanding of these conditions can help you recognise symptoms in advance. Early recognition will help you go towards proper aid well before the time for Anal Fissure and Fistula.
In this blog, we will understand the key differences between fissures and fistulas, which will help you spot the signs and take steps towards relief.

What is an Anal Fissure?
An anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus which is caused by passing large or hard stools, constipation, or trauma during bowel movements. It leads to sharp pain during and after a bowel movement. Moreover, it sometimes leads to itching or bleeding.
Anal fissures can be treated with lifestyle changes, such as adding fibre to the diet or drinking plenty of water or using ointments to promote healing. In most cases, fissures heal with time and care, but persistent cases might need medical intervention.
What is an Anal Fistula?
The anal fistula is a tunnel that forms between the inner anal canal and the skin around the anus. It is a condition that occurs due to an infection or an abscess that did not heal properly. Moreover, it might have left a passageway that can cause pus or fluid to drain.
The fistula is an unwanted shortcut the body creates between tissues due to infection. It needs to prevent further complications.
Treatment Options for Fissure and Fistula
While talking about treating anal fissures and fistulas, there is no one constant solution for this. The right kind of solution depends on multiple factors, like the severity of the condition of the patient, the location, and how long the issue has persisted. Early action can make much of a difference in the pain of Anal Fissure and Fistula.
For Anal Fissures, treatment often begins with non-surgical methods. Treatment options include :
- Topical creams or ointments help relax the anal muscles and encourage healing.
- Stool softeners and increased fibre intake improve smooth bowel movements and prevent further tearing.
- Warm baths to ease discomfort and promote healing.
However, if the fissure is chronic or fails to heal, surgery may be recommended. Our expert Dr Ram will help you provide the best lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS), a procedure that relieves tension in the anal muscles. For anal fistulas, surgery is typically the primary treatment, as fistulas rarely heal on their own. Advancement flap procedures and laser treatments are reserved for complex fistulas.
In some cases, antibiotics and pain relievers may be prescribed to manage infection or alleviate pain before the surgeon goes for the surgery. Our experts will also help you with advice about How To Cure Fistula at Home for the best relief.
Preventive Measures and Dietary Recommendations
It would be a lie if we understood that diet alone can cure a fissure or fistula. However, making healthy dietary choices can help prevent the conditions from getting worse and lower the risk of developing it in future. A diet that is rich in fibre and, along with the intake of plenty of water, you can try and promote healthy bowel movements and reduce strain on the anal area. Also, go for a route that states that Prevention is the best cure.
If you experience any symptoms like persistent pain, itching, or bleeding, then you should seek medical attention soon. Our Laser Proctologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon will help you go towards the path of relief with the best treatment option possible. To get the most suitable solution for Anal Fissure and Fistula, firstly, our experts will consult you and understand your problem in detail so that the solution is drafted as per your personalised issue and condition.