Proctologist in Ahmedabad
Proctologists Doctors are those doctors who specialize in the medical field of diseases of the rectum and anus. These doctors are the ones who diagnose and treat rectal disorders, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and anal cancer. This includes surgical treatments, treatment of prolapse, and more.
Are You Looking Out for Proctologist Doctors in Ahmedabad?
The surgical use of a laser in laser proctology is to treat conditions of the colon, rectum, and anus. Hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas, pilonidal sinuses, and polyps are often treated as medical disorders with laser proctology. More people are turning to this method to treat their piles, both men and women.
High-energy light beams are known as lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Radiation). The purpose of the procedure was to burn or cut the anomaly with this light beam. Modern laser treatments are highly developed, considerably safer, and less unpleasant. They also leave no scars and are bloodless. They also result in fewer problems.
Dr Kamlesh Ram uses Laser Proctology to provide the safest and most painless surgery to his patients.
Dr Kamlesh Ram Provides the following treatments through Laser Proctology:
- Laser Piles Treatment
- Laser Fistula Treatment
- Laser Pilonidal Sinus Treatment
- Laser Fissure Treatment
Laser Therapy Procedures by Top Proctologist In Ahmedabad
Hemorrhoidal Laser Procedure (HeLp)
Help, a minimally invasive laser treatment for piles, can be performed without general anaesthesia. The rectal artery's afflicted branches are located using a Doppler. After they have been located, the branches are photocoagulation using a laser diode fibre.
Laser haemorrhoid repair (LHP)
LHP is similar to HeLP, but in this procedure, the afflicted branches of the rectal artery are photocoagulation to block blood from flowing to the hemorrhoidal plexus.
Laser haemorrhoid removal
This treatment, also known as laser cauterization, involves the surgeon using the laser to burn the enlarged piles and cause them to contract. To prevent harm to adjacent tissues, the Proctologist Doctors will occasionally direct a focused, narrow laser beam exclusively at the haemorrhoids. The anus is traversed by the narrow beam, which is then directed on the mass of the piles. A mass contracts when the submucosal zone is deliberately exposed to laser radiation.
To build connective tissue, the fibrosis is rebuilt. The mucosa can then stick to the underlying tissue because of this. Thus, prolapses are avoided. This procedure is safe, results in little bleeding, and has a quicker recovery time.
FILAC Technique (Fistula–Tract Laser Closure)
Anorectal fistula can be treated with this less invasive method while maintaining the sphincter. The epithelialized tissue is neutralised by focusing the laser in a deliberate, circular motion.
Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)
When a persistent anal fissure does not improve with medicine or other therapies, doctors may suggest LIS. The sphincter muscle is partially removed using the laser. By doing so, pressure is released, pain is diminished, and the fissure can heal.
Why Is a Laser Proctology Treatment at Advanced Surgical Hospital Better Than Conventional Surgery?
The most recent treatment option for fissures, fistulas, and piles is the laser. It is a day surgery that has several benefits over open surgery.
- High Rate of Success
- Low Recurrence Rate: Compared to Conventional Procedures, This Method Has a Substantially Lower Recurrence Rate.
- Treatment Is Completed in Less Than an Hour. Saves Both You and Your Patient A Tonne of Time.
- Just A Little Nick in The Skin, Leaving No Scars or Stitches, Makes It Less Invasive.
- Hardly Any Blood Loss. Little Discomfort Less Frightening.
- Instant Relief from Associated Symptoms - Recovery Is Quick Because There Is No Surgery Involved and Very Little Damage Is Done to Nearby Tissues. Even Less Discomfort, Swelling, And Numbness.
- It Is Safer to Perform an Opd Procedure Under Local Anaesthetic Than Under General Anaesthesia. Ambulatory Means There Is No Hospitalisation.
- No Downtime; Quick Recovery. Minimal Pain Following Surgery. Following Surgery, Your Patient Can Leave and Rapidly Return to His Regular Activities.
- Increased Surgical Accuracy
- Infection Risk Is Decreased.
Dr Kamlesh Ram is one of the top Proctologist in Ahmedabad. Dr Kamlesh Ram's team at Advanced Surgical Hospital has made it their mission to provide patients with the best possible care. With years of experience.
What types of conditions do colorectal surgeons treat?
Colorectal surgeons manage diseases of the intestinal tract. This tract consists of the colon, rectum, anal canal, and perianal area. Conditions of the intestinal tract include:
- Abscesses and fistulae These are infections near the anus and rectum.
- Anal skin tags These are small bumps of skin around the anus.
- Colon and rectal cancer This cancer begins in the colon or rectum.
- Diverticulitis This is a disease in which pouches form in weak spots along the digestive tract.
- Fissures These are small tears in the anal lining.
- Hemorrhoids These are swollen veins that can occur internally or externally around the anus.
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) IBD is a group of inflammatory disorders that includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) IBS is a group of intestinal symptoms unrelated to IBD that can include bloating, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea.
- Polyps These are precancerous growths that have the potential to become colorectal cancer.
- Rectal prolapse This is a condition in which the rectum begins to fall from its position into the anal opening.
Dr Kamlesh Ram is one of the top Proctologist in Ahmedabad. Dr Kamlesh Ram's team at Advanced Surgical Hospital has made it their mission to provide patients with the best possible care. With years of experience.
What types of procedures do Colorectal Surgeons do?
Colorectal surgeons are trained to perform a variety of diagnostic tests and surgical procedures. Their most common procedures include the following:
- Anoscopy This procedure helps identify abnormalities in the anus and rectum.
- Colonoscopy During a colonoscopy, the doctor examines the entire colon and screens for colorectal cancer. They may also remove polyps.
- Digital rectal exams During this physical examination, the doctor uses their fingers to examine the lower rectum and prostate.
- Endorectal ultrasound. This is an imaging test to help diagnose colorectal cancers.
- Proctoscopy In this procedure, the doctor examines the rectum and anus, takes tissue for biopsy, or removes polyps.
- Sigmoidoscopy In this procedure, the doctor examines the lower third of your colon, which is called the sigmoid colon.

Benefits Of Laser Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Procedure- No Dressing Required
- Less Chance Of Recurrence
- No Tissure Removed - Cosmetically Sound
- Resume Routine Works From Next Day
- Painless
- Same Day Discharge From Hospital
- No Postoperative Bleeding
- LHP Laser Haemorrhoidopexy
- MIPH minimalinvasive procedure for Piles / Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy
- Sclerotherapy Injection

- LIS Laser Internal Sphincterotomy
- Botulinum A Toxin (BOTOX)
- Lord's Dilatation
- FILAC Laser Closure of Anal Fistula
- DLPL Distal Laser Proximal Ligation
- LIFT Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistulous Tract
- VAAFT Video Assisted Anal Fistula Tretment