Pilesfree Gujarat Campaign

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#PilesFreeGujarat Campaign

The first campaign of its kind to treat one disease across the whole state by an expert individual. Dr. Kamlesh Ram is known for his strong work ethic, patient care solutions, and ingenuity. He is an innovative leader who first introduced advanced laser treatments for anorectal disorders such as piles, fissures, fistula, and pilonidal sinuses in Gujarat.

piles free gujarat
Facts about Piles in India

One out of four people in India suffers from different forms of piles. This statistic is increasing yearly due to unhealthy eating habits and increased mental stress in day-to-day life. It is so common that people often see this as a hereditary or genetically influenced condition.

How Does Laser Surgery for Piles Help?

Five years ago, more than 70% of people believed that piles surgery was very unpleasant and unsatisfactory as it gives too much pain, needs multiple dressings, the period of having to rest for a week or two after surgery, and also could cause a life-long issue with continence (ability to control stool passage).

Thankfully, this is no longer the case due to the introduction of laser surgery for piles in Gujarat by Dr. Kamlesh Ram. The procedure is very simple. Because of No cutting in laser surgery, there is no pain, no dressing, and no chances of incontinence.

Recurrence was very common in the old traditional way of piles surgery (recurrence was 20- 30%) but with laser surgery, there is no cutting so recurrence rates are minimal (2-3%).

We are Creating History in Piles treatment

Having successfully treated more than 1500 piles patients across Gujarat and south Rajasthan with his laser technique, Dr. Ram came up with an innovative idea of touring across Gujarat to reach those people who cannot access this advanced method of treating the common yet troublesome problem of piles.

He very thoughtfully has organized a well-planned campaign where he, along with his team of experts will travel every Tuesday to 26 cities across Gujarat for 6 months. He divided this campaign into 2 seasons, where each season contains 13 episodes of each city. Every week his team does marketing via social media and print media before the camp date and tries to reach as many people as possible.

On the day of the camp, his team facilitates all patients and makes sure they can be seen and thoroughly examined by Dr. Ram. After camp, Dr. Ram and his team will visit a few renowned doctors in that city and make them aware of this advanced painless technique to treat piles.


Laser surgery for piles is a most advanced One Day Procedure with no cutting, no dressing, and no chances of incontinence, lesser rates of recurrence.

In #PilesFreeGujarat Campaign, Dr. Ram has traveled more than 5000 kms and treated more than 450 patients across 13 cities. Season 2 of this Campaign will start from 04/04/2023 that will also consist of 13 episodes.